Reiki Therapies

Reiki works at all levels to assist with alleviating problems on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Ailments that can be alleviated are back pain, headaches, muscle pain, over active mind etc. 

There are several forms of Reiki but, the one I use is called "Usui Shiki Ryoho", this system was brought over from Japan by Mrs Takata and is called the "Reiki System".

Reiki works by giving us what we need rather than what we want, by working on the deepest level needed at the time.

Should you have any questions please do give me a call on 01708 607 412
General Reiki
Reiki De-Programming
Animal Reiki
Reiki 1, 2 and 3 Courses

Reiki Development
Reiki Benefits
Reiki Case Studies
Reiki Testimonials