Benefits of Reiki

Reiki in its highest, purest form has the potential ability to know exactly where to go and what to do, when healing is required.

* Reiki is taken not given
* It is natural, as it exists in the form of energy.
* Boosts your energy levels i.e fatigue and tiredness
* Relaxing and uplifting
* Children and Elderly can benefit
* Removes energy blocks and encourages natural balance between mind, body and spirit
* Improves energy levels
* Releases stress and tension from your body
* Calms the mind and improves concentration
* Accelerates the body’s self-healing ability
* Improves your sleep
* Reduces blood pressure
* Aids pain relief
* Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins
* Boosts the immune system;
* Encourages spiritual growth and emotional cleansing;
* Promotes creativity; and
* Compliments medical treatment.
Reiki Therapy
Reiki 1, 2 and 3 Courses
Reiki Case Studies
Reiki Testimonials
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