Book - Wicca by Vivianne Crowley

Purple Pyramid

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Wicca is a magical path which empowers us to grow, change and heal. It is a spiritual harmony with the universe, others and ourselves.

A beautifully illustrated, full-colour guide to the ancient art, craft and religion of Witchcraft.

The book gives a modern view of Wicca, explaining the philosophy and practice of this increasingly popular tradition.

It gives simples guidelines to show the beginner how to start practising Wicca, and includes practical exercises for spiritual and magical development, finding a wand and simple Wiccan rites.

The book explains:

What Wicca is
• Where it came from
• The Wiccan year
• Wiccan gods and goddesses
• Magic and spellcraft

This book is secondhand and is in good condition.

Please note the image is for dislpay purposes and the the actual book