Anxiety Crystal Healing Stones

Purple Pyramid

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Anxeity Crystal Healing Stones Stones plus a free velvet purple bag and comes with a printed guide explaining the various properties of the crystals and instructions on how to get the best out of your pack

Anxiety is a feeling of disquiet such as worry or fear which can be mild or severe. We all feel anxious from time to time, however, it usually passes once the situation has passed.

Being anxious can make your heart race, you might feel sweaty, shaky or even short of breath. When your anxious you may see changes in your behaviour, such as being overly careful or avoiding people, events or situations that trigger your anxiety.

The healing crystals contained in this set are: 

Amazonite works on an emotional level by soothing emotional distress and easing worry and fear as well as dispersing negative energy and frustration.

Lepidolite is extremely useful in the reduction of stress, it stops obsessive thoughts, relieves despondency.

Rhodonite is a useful “first aid” stone as it heals emotional shock and panic Transforms painful emotions such as resentment or anger and assists your with forgiveness.

Sodalite eliminates mental confusion and encourages rational thought, objectivity and truth. Instilling self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust.

Black Agate is a grounding stone bring balance to your mind, emotions and body.

Hematite enhances memory and original thought and brings the mind’s attention to survival needs and helps to sort out problems. Helps you to come to terms with mistakes and to accept them as learning experiences rather than disasters

We only use the best ethically sourced crystals.

Please note that the images are only examples and the charm may be different.

Please Be Aware Due to the unique nature of this product no two items are identical. For this reason the item received may vary slightly from the photograph