Tennis Elbow


It took 4 visits for Carol to notice an improvement in her right arm for Tennis Elbow and 9 visits before she had significant improvement in her left elbow for Tennis Elbow.   As you read through this article you will see that there were other issues my crystals were dealing with as well as her initial compliant.

Carol came to me on the 14th January 2015 with Tennis Elbow in both arms. 

I select crystals for her Chakra - Jasper, Citrine, Carnelian, Jade, Blue Lace Agate, Celestine and Labrodite.

For Healing I used Cathedral Quartz, Magnetite, Kyanite and Celestine.

I noticed Carol's Aura was very thick - which is an indication of how low you are.

No initial difference immediately after treatment.

19th January - 2nd Visit 

No improvement in her elbows since last visit. Continued the same treatment as before and this week her Aura was thinner.

Her Aura was still thick.  No initial difference immediately after treatment.

28th January - 3rd Visit 

There had been no improvement in Carol's elbow this week either.  However, she said she felt better than she had in a long time and really enjoyed the sessions.

Again I used the same crystals as before.  However, her aura was a lot thinner this week.

No initial difference immediately after treatment.

4th February - 4th Visit 

Carol had noticed a different pain in her elbow and the elbow was less painful.  She could also use the right arm to reach out and grab items without the aid of her left arm.

Again I used the same crystals as before.

No initial difference immediately after treatment.

12th February - 5th Visit 

Elbows were painful - but she had been carrying heavy shopping bags!!  She also had some stomach stress and the onset of a cold.

I used the same Crystals as before plus Green Fluorite and Moss Agate.

Her Aura was thick around her legs.

After the initial treatment she said her right arm did feel better.

26th February – 6th Visit 

This week Carol’s right arm felt better but still no improvement in her left arm.

Again I applied the same Crystals as in the visit on the 4th February plus Amber, Mahgong Obsidian, Amertine and Malchinite.

No initial difference immediately after treatment.

4th March 2015 – 7th Visit 

Carol said no improvement in her left arm at all however she said she felt emotionally better.

Again applied the same stones as last week.

9th April – 8th Visit 

Carol said she really had missed her session and was looking forward to this one as it had been several weeks.

In addition to her Tennis Elbow, Carol’s Glands were also flared up so in addition I have her Mookite and  Blue Quartz and Chalcedony for her Elbow.

Initially afterwards there was more improvement in her right elbow.

15th April – 9th Visit 

Right arm is excellent were the first words Carol said to me!!  And her Glands had gone down the next day after the last treatment on the 9th April.

Left arm still not good how she said she more stress free than she had been in a long time and was in a much better place.

I applied the same crystals as before less the Mookiate, Blue Quartz and Chalcedony.

After the session whilst sitting there talking Carol lent over and picked up her glass of water with her left arm and did not need her right arm.

24th April - 10th Visit 

Still in Pain in the Left Arm and Shoulder.

I applied the same Crystals as before plus Amethyst.

Felt relaxed and great after the treatment, but still had pain the Arm and Shoulder.

20th May - 11th Visit 

Left is still very Painful

Same treatment as before - afterwards felt very relaxed and the pain was reduced in the left Arm.

10th June - 12th Visit 

Left Arm very painful before treatment and no change after treatment.

8th July - 13th Visit 

As well as using same of the Crystals I also used Reiki.  Carol's arm was still hurting before the treatment.

Afterwards she said the following

1st touch of the head she had a tingling sensation travel from her toes to her head.  She felt heat and saw dim colours orange, yellow and lime.

Afterwards she said her Left are was less painful.

14th July  - 14th Visit 

Same treatment as on the 8th July, her arm was still hurting.

During the treatment she had a tingling sensation on her face, pressing on her hand, left arm felt stinging on it and it was painful.  Tingling sensation through her body from head to toe.  Saw blue sky and felt she was floating.

Afterwards - her bad arm was pain free.

13th August - 15th Visit 

Before Carol was a bit stressed and her arm had started playing up again and plus she felt she was getting a virus.  I asked Carol how long did she remain pain free in her left arm and she said about 2 weeks.

We only did Crystals on this treatment - she said she saw mountain ripples on a pond, was floating over a forest, saw a face of a young boy with tanned skin and short brown hair.  Tingling sensation form feet upwards.

I gave her a Flourite stone to wear to see if it would help.

Her arm was still painful after the treatment

19th August 2015 - 16th Visit 

Carol felt better in herself the next day after her last treatment and her ears felt better too.

Before: Carol had Pain in her left arm.

During: Carol saw red - felt like a sea of red velvet and felt tingling in her left side which stayed there the whole time.

After: Arm felt better, headache was gone and her ears felt no different.

25th August 2015 - 17th Visit 

Before: Slight pain in left Arm.  No  problems with her ears.

During: Her body felt like it shifted.  Right arm jumped.  Saw Shadows of mountains.  Nose felt numb and felt heat.

After: Left arm still feels the same.  Feet were cold.

21st October 2015 - 18th Visit

As Carol has not been for a while I decided it was a good time to re-evaluate the crystals I was using. 

Chakras: snowflake obsidian, Orange calcite, yellow jade, green jade, blue chalcedony, lapis lazril and charolite.

Tennis Elbow: Iron Pryite, Amber, Rutland Quartz, Lapis Lazril, Magnetite and dessert rose.

And I also used Chrysoprase for her stomach.

Before: Left arm painful on a scale of 1 to 10 about 4.  Stomach pains on scale of 1 to 10 about 4.

During: Nice and relaxing

After: Arm and Stomach still felt the same.

30th October 2015 - 19th Visit 

Carol's stomach had improved the next day after last weeks treatment.  Applied the same crystals as before.

Before: Tired, stressed and elbow was painful and hurts when she bends it.

During: Tingling feeling from her toes upwards when I touched her arm and head.  Felt someone was waving at her.

After: felt very relaxed.  Left arm felt better.

5th November 2015 - 20th Visit 

Before: Arm does not hurt when she bends it, but it does hurt when she carries stuff. Overall a fast improvement since last week.  Stomach windy and hurts to touch.

During:  Fireworks were off putting.  Funny sensation in left arm and left leg.  Itching nose and chin which were unbearable.  Didn't enjoy her session like normal.

After: Not as relaxed as normal.  Stomach feels better even to touch.

11th November 2015 - 21st Visit 

Before: Arm has felt better this week.  A lot less painful than the week before.  Can bend arm and feel no pain.

After: felt very relaxed and arm felt even better