Meditation Bracelet

Aquamarine – is a stone of courage, its calms your energies, reduces stress and quiets the mind. Clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect, and clears up confusion.

Yellow Calcite – strengthens your will and enhances meditation inducing a deep state of relaxation.

Carnelian – removes extraneous thoughts in meditation and tunes daydreamers into everyday reality.   Sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy.

Smoky Quartz – this stone grounds you during meditation at the same as raising your vibration. This is an excellent stone as an antidote to stress.

Serpentine - aids meditation and helps with mental and emotional imbalances and assists the conscious direction of healing energy towards problem areas.

Howlite - a very calming stone that stills an overactive mind, teaches patience, strengthens memory and stimulates a desire for knowledge.