Couples Counselling

Couples can feel stuck because they have tried and tried to make their marriage work.
Getting through to their partner seems hopeless.
They don't want to stay in a failing marriage, but breaking up their family feels wrong too.
It's totally normal for an individual in a marriage to feel their love for their partner has died for good.
The love is only dormant because they have detached emotionally to protect themselves.
Teaching the couple how to reattach is key to getting the marriage back on track.
Typical questions are:
It is possible to save a marriage that has been emotionally and sexually dead for years?
It is possible for the love to come back?
Is it possible to stop the rows and the power struggles?
Is it possible to recover from an affair?
Is it possible to communicate to your partner and be understood?
The answer to all these questions is yes.
To find out more or to book call 01708 607 412