Animal Reiki

We are currently only offering Animal Reiki to Cats and Dogs, we suggest when you bring your animal to our Therapy Room you bring familar items with you that belong to you pet such as their bed or blanket.

Reiki is not an alternative to veterinary care but it is a natural, calm and non-invasive therapy that promotes the body’s natural process of self-healing and is enjoyed by many animals.
Reiki is offered to animals the same way as it is offered to humans.

Reiki supports positive personal choices and may help animals to better cope with life’s challenges.

This energy is gentle and can be given to any animal.

Animals benefit from Reiki in a variety of ways·        
* Greater comfort·        
* Improved feeling of wellbeing·        
* Promotion of relaxation which sometimes can lead to sleep·      
*  Greater sense of self·        
* Peaceful transition for animals’ ready to pass over

A history of your animal is taken and the reason why you would like your animal to receive Reiki.  This information will inform me as to how Reiki is best offered to your animal.

Animal Reiki treatment is non-diagnostic, non-interventionist, non-manipulative and no pressure is applied.

Some animals may wish to sniff a practitioner’s hands or step away slightly, whilst others may come closer offering their sore parts to the practitioner.

Even one single Reiki session can make a difference, however a course of regular treatments may be more effective, which can be  weekly, fortnightly or less often depending on the needs of the animal.

Any treatment plan will be discussed, agreed and reviewed as necessary and always subject to the preferences of the animal’s owner or carer, with the option to change it at any time according to progress.

The cost of the therapy is £30 for half an hour.

Please note we are currently taking online bookings two weeks in advance.

When Booking don’t forget to check out our discount packages. 
However if you would like an earlier booking, please call us on 01708 607 412


Reiki Therapies